Simone Krueger

Team Player

Friendly and empathetic

Effective Communication Skills

Down to Earth and Humble

Ability to take Criticism

Ability to handle Rejection

To whom this may concern,

I, Christian Olienick-Plourde am proud to offer my recommendation of Simone Krueger to whom I’ve known during her employment at Paroli Direct during the summer and fall of 2022.
During this employment period Simone Krueger has worked very hard to show great improvement in her confidence, public speaking and time management skills. Simone has consistently taken rejection and criticism and used it to grow as an individual. Simone has used her easy going, humble nature to effectively support and empathize with her team to help with growth and a high morale. I have no doubt that Simone would make a great addition to any team. With all these aspects I commend Simone Krueger for the excellent job she did while working for me at Paroli Direct.

Simone Krueger Memories

My experience at Paroli Direct:

Simone has not yet left a statement on her experience at Paroli Direct. Coming soon (2022-10-30)