Sean Goh

Team Player

Leadership and Training Skills

Hard worker

Down to Earth and Humble

Ability to take Criticism

Effective Communication Skills

To whom this may concern,

I, Christian Olienick-Plourde am proud to offer my recommendation of Sean Goh to whom I’ve known during his employment at Paroli Direct during the summer of 2022.
During this employment period Sean Goh has shown impressive work ethic and the ability to overcome any obstacle. When faced with adversity and challenges, Sean would methodically approach them head on for effective solutions. Sean is supportive and handles criticism along with considering others opinions. Sean’s hard work and willingness to help others has proven he has what it takes to be a leader. With all these aspects I commend Sean Goh for the excellent job he did while working for me at Paroli Direct.

Sean Goh Memories

My experience at Paroli Direct:

Sean has not yet left a statement on his experience at Paroli Direct. Coming soon (2022-10-30)