Gift Iheme

Thick Skin

Team Player

Quick Learner

Ability to Handle Rejection

Humble and takes Criticism

Effective Communication Skills

To whom this may concern,

I, Christian Olienick-Plourde am proud to offer my recommendation of Gift Iheme to whom I’ve known during her employment at Paroli Direct during the summer of 2022.
During this employment period Gift Iheme has shown effective communication skills, ability to stay positive and handle rejection, a willingness to improve and take criticism, a strong will to keep herself determined and motivated. Gift’s thick skin and humble nature is impressive and I have no doubt she will succeed in any challenge she takes on. With all these aspects I commend Gift Iheme for the excellent job she did while working for me at Paroli Direct.

Gift Iheme Memories

My experience at Paroli Direct:

Gift has not yet left a statement on her experience at Paroli Direct. Coming soon (2022-10-30)